Friday, January 23, 2009

Random Thoughts...

...Why do people care so much that the Dark Knight didn't get nominated for best picture? It wasn't the best picture of the year, and wasn't going to win; so why does it matter? (Juice)

...If no one watches the NHL, no one follows it online and the only people who care about it are the people who attend games, why is it considered as a "major sport" in the USA? (The Kicker)

...I really don't need to hear stories about the dysfunctional Dallas Cowboys for the next few months. They aren't actually America's team. NOBODY CARES. (Juice)

...Remember when pro athletes didn't get put in jail? Yep, those were the days. (The Kicker)

...Is there a worse week in sports than the one between the NFL Conference Championships and the Super Bowl? There is no football, and baseball hasn't started yet. We have to hope for a decent college basketball game. And yes, I would rather watch all the Razzie nominated movies (including The Hottie and the Nottie starring Paris Hilton) than sit through a hockey game. (Juice)

...Why is it that American's are obsessed with finding the "next big thing"? We have the best athletes in the world. They talk about a great 16 year old golfer. We have Tiger Woods. They talk about an incredible baseball prospect, we have over a dozen hall of famers playing currently. They talk about an amazing high school basketball player when we have Chris Paul, Kobe and LeBron. Let's focus on the now, its pretty incredible... (The Kicker)

...If the NHL and MLS (Major League Soccer - yes it exists) somehow procreated, would the result be the first "sport" where teams would have to pay people to watch? (Juice)

...Why do college coaches always leave a good program they built from nothing for a terrible team thats at a "big time school"? They didn't get into coaching for the money, the big time school has more pressure and a tougher conference. Just stay where you're loved. (The Kicker)

...Have you ever spent some time just looking at your tongue in the mirror? Tongues are weird. Try it. You'll see what I mean. (Juice)

...How hot is Lola Bunny from Space Jam? You know, for being a cartoon bunny. (Juice)


WangSlangah said...

All very true things but you guys need more birds running around in two pieces with their bits bouncin about.

WangSlangah said...

Oh yeah and you need more of anything to do with germany sucking... cuz it sucks