At this point, hockey is no longer a major sport. It just isn't. It has a small, devoted base of cult followers (also known as Canadians) with a few casual fans sprinkled in.
Basically there are only three interesting things about the NHL:
1. The Stanely Cup. Not the games, but trophy itself. It's a cool looking trophy.
2. Alexander Ovechkin's ridiculous goal a couple years ago. That was surprisingly entertaining.
3. Fighting.

The problem with outlawing fighting in the NHL is this will alienate the casual fan. The casual fan doesn't like hockey. The casual fan likes the violence of someone getting checked against the boards--or preferably through the glass--and the retaliation afterwards.
Unless the powers that be have decided "screw it, the mass appeal ship has sailed, lets focus on our fan base," outlawing fighting is not the right choice.
And maybe focusing on the small fan base is the way to go. It's obvious that the NHL needs a marketing change. Maybe the best thing would be to fold every franchise in the south, and make the league a battle of the U.S. versus Canada. Everybody loves to root for their country, even when it comes to hockey.
This would generate more mass appeal, and even allow them to outlaw fighting, if they so choose. They would no longer need the fights to attract the casual fan.
The fact is the NHL needs a major overhaul, not a minor tweaking. Restricting fighting is just not the place to start.
Awesome goal, thanks for the link. hockey killed itself with the player's strike. Being on the "Versus" network along with fishing and TV pottery classes doesn't help, either. Oh, and having their All-Star night on a Wednesday... wow, that's in the same league as televised junior high drama club productions.
Dear NHL,
PRETEND you're popular, act like it, and it just may happen... maybe. It worked for the Kicker in high school, after all.
Also, some info on the NHL's plans to move a few teams (Florida Panthers, Columbus Blue Jackets, etc.) would be interesting. I heard something about a new franchise in Seattle... They have great minor league hockey support and a ready-made rival with Vancouver.
you can't take away the ability to hate people like todd bertuzzi and his head punching ways or the ability to watch and entire hockey game waiting for derek boogard to put someone on their ass for looking at a team mate the wrong way. You just can't do that to either fan base
Just so you know Scott, I dedicate this, and all, my hockey columns to you.
Although, this very well may be the only one I ever write.
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