Saturday, February 28, 2009

Random Thoughts...

...When did people decide it is ok to to preface something inappropriate with a justification and think that it isn't inappropriate? If you say "I'm not racist but (insert something incredibly racist)" or "I'm not trying to be a dick but (insert something really dickish)" you are, in fact, racist or a dick. Prefacing something with a pseudo apology does not mean you are allowed to say whatever you want. (Juice)

...I do not run the world but if I did I would make sure that McDonald's served Shamrock Shakes year round. I don't care what reference was made on The Simpson's, Shamrock Shakes are amazing.

Chief Wiggum: “I miss Shamrock Shakes, but they ain’t coming back ’til March.”
Lou: “You know, Chief, Shamrock Shakes are just vanilla shakes colored green.”
Chief Wiggum: “Well, I taste the flavor. It’s a very mild mint.”
Lou: “Well, maybe ’cause it’s a minty color, your mind is fooling your tongue.”
Chief Wiggum: “I know what I taste.”
Eddie: “I gotta go with Chief on this one.”
Lou (sarcastically): “Whoa, there’s a big surprise.”
(The Kicker)

...What's with the Mount Rushmore shtick ESPN is shoving down our throats? It is a cool concept but they have like 5 different articles dedicated to the topic. Do we really need to deal with the Mount Rushmore of every single sport? Isn't one Mount Rushmore of sports per state enough? I mean Idaho doesn't even deserve one, let alone one for every sport. (Juice)

...Why do so many people care about the NFL combine? I realize it's a huge deal that offensive lineman run slow 40-yard dashes, but for ESPN to report on it is annoying. Please stop. I will wait until the draft to care. (The Kicker)

...What is the appropriate distance when deciding if you should hold the door for someone who is walking behind you? Whenever I'm in that in between stage of should I hold the door for this person or not, and I choose not to, I wonder whether they are thinking "why didn't this ass hole hold the door for me?" And, if you are wondering, I absolutely think that about people who don't do so for me. If I am just a couple steps behind you, and you let to door shut on me, I will immediately judge you as an ass hole. And just remember first impressions tend to stick. I'm not asking for a full on open the door and let me walk in first, but at least give me the extra hard door shove so it stays open for me as I walk through. It's common courtesy. (Juice)

...How on Earth do the Cardinals let Kurt Warner become an unrestricted free agent? He is your one chance at not having a huge let down season. (The Kicker)

...I prefer my "Chunk" as a chunk, thank you very much. (Juice)

...It's good to see the Redskins spending money on their defense. It worked really well in the past with 37 year-old Bruce Smith (5yr, 25 million, played one season) Deion Sanders (7 yr, 56 million, 8 million bonus) and Adam Archuleta (7yr, 35 million, 10 million bonus). At least they didn't overpay for Albert Haynesworth (7yr, 100 million) and DeAngelo Hall (6yr, 54 million). What recession? Never heard a word about it...(The Kicker)

...Do people still use hair gel? Remember like 8-10 years ago when every guy was rocking "helmet head" and you wondered if you could snap of pieces of his hair? How many people still do this? I ask because someone sitting in front of me in class the other day was rocking the hair gel look. I guess my point is this: If you are still using hair gel, you probably need to seriously reevaluate your life. (Juice)

...Awesome website. Most of these shirts are worth buying... (The Kicker) ...Once baseball has started it shouldn't be so cold and windy outside that it makes my face hurt - even in Northern Minnesota. The again, this is Minnesota, and last year featured an opening day blizzard. Still, cold weather is unpleasant. (Juice)

...I decided today one of my biggest pet peeves is when you get change after buying something and its Canadian coins. I hate Canadian coins. Yea, its only a nickel. But it's a worthless piece of shit nickel from Canada. Do Canadian people hate when they get American coins? I don't know and I don't care. Maybe this only happens in Northern states since we're close to Canada, but I still hate it. (The Kicker) ...I always get the itch to get out and play golf this time of year. Which sucks because I'm looking out my window and it is snowing right now. Golf and snow don't mix so well. (Juice)

...Has anyone considered that Manny Ramirez may very well be the real life Benjamin Button? He seems to be getting more childlike as he gets older; and, if this is true, he will in theory only get better at baseball as he continues to get older. At least until he gets so old that he is too young. Think about it. (Juice)

...It's like the real life version of being on fire in NBA Jam. (Juice)

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