Saturday, April 25, 2009

Random Thoughts...

...Gotta live and die with the Cubs (The Kicker)

...How do you not throw in a diehard pun there? Or a pun about bleeding blue and red? (Which is technically true for everyone but you get my point.) Or at least a Bartman joke. I'm calling The Kicker out. (Juice)

...Chimpanzee riding on a segway. That video will either ruin your week or make it 1000 times better. It all depends on how you look at it. (Juice)

...I wonder if he is any good (The Kicker)

...I'm not impressed until a kid throws at least five straight no hitters. (Juice)

...Are you impressed by this? Because I am extremely annoyed by it (The Kicker)

...The perfect game girl bothers me, because she got national attention after throwing one Little League perfect game. The high school kid had to throw four no hitters before anybody even noticed. Why is it such a big deal that a girl threw a perfect game in Little League? If a boy did it nobody would notice. It's sexist. I'm not even female and that bothers me. (Juice)

...By the way, who decided four was the magic number of no hitters to gain some sort of national attention? Three isn't enough? I would say even two is at least worth mentioning. Have you ever watched a high school pitcher? Most of them can't even last three innings, let alone throw a complete game no hitter. (Juice)

...They mentioned it after three and ESPN ran a small tidbit on after two, but who's counting...well, ESPN apparently (The Kicker)

...Obscure references on doesn't count as National attention, champ. (Juice)

...How is this allowed or encouraged by the parents? Only in America... and Europe because that's the key to the story. (The Kicker)

...I found myself saying "it is windy as fuck out" the other day. After doing so, I started pondering the idea of saying something is "(insert phrase) as fuck." Rarely does this actually make sense. "Windy as fuck" certainly does not make sense. Is their a progression of swearing to show how intense something is? (Damn, shit, etc.) If that is the case, I obviously exaggerated because windy as fuck would be a tornado or hurricane. I guess my point is indiscriminately swearing to describe something is completely ridiculous. Regardless, I just set a new record for number of times "fuck" was used in a fifty word sequence on this site. So that's something I suppose. (Juice)

...Also, another thing I, and many other people, say is "very true." This doesn't make sense either. If something is true then it is just true. Something that is very true isn't truer than something that is true. Truth is truth. Think about it.(Juice)

...Have you seen those commercials for charities that supply laptops to impoverished children in Africa? I don't have a link but they show them on Hulu (one of the greatest inventions ever) quite a bit. My question is, though, shouldn't they be advocating sending kids food, clothing and other necessities? Computers can be helpful, but I think food and clothing is a little more important. Or have we just gotten to the point where we say "here's a computer try and find some cheap food and clothing on Ebay?" (Juice)

...Note: If you actually buy food on Ebay, you probably have some issues. (Juice)

...So its been sunny back to back days. Very rare. I decide to turn on the weather channel to see the full day forecast and all I see is "T-storms" for the whole weekend, gotta love false hope from weather (The Kicker)

...Have you seen the story about the high school cheerleading coach who got fired for posing in Playboy? That drives me nuts. So she posed for a few pictures to make a little extra money, who cares? And anybody who plays the "she's a role model for younger girls and shouldn't do that kind of thing" card can go fuck themselves. Why does it matter that she posed for a few pictures? It's not like she murdered someone. People need to get over their obsession with nudity being a big deal. There are way worse things kids are exposed to than a pair of boobs. I just don't get it. If you were offered a fairly substantial amount of money to pose naked for a reputable publication why wouldn't you do it? It's just nudity. I'd do it for like $20. I mean, come on. Unbelievable. By the way here are her pictures if you are curious. Don't click that if you are morally opposed to attractive naked girls though. (Juice)

...Not only is this completely absurd, but Eric Byrnes is prominently involved; and nobody wants to be like Eric Byrnes. Also, the quote Mark Reynolds gives is fantastic. (Juice)

...Would you rather attend a Nickelback concert or stick a fork in an electrical outlet? I think the answer is pretty obvious. (Juice)

...There needs to be more emphasis placed on how mentally competent a person must before they are allowed to drive. Yesterday I saw someone driving an SUV who I was 90% was drunk. (Note that it was one in the afternoon.) This person was neglicting to use their turn signal, cutting multiple off, and swerving all over the place. Eventually I caught up to them when I was turning, and I looked over and it was an Asian woman driving. Now I realize this is perpetuating a stereotype, but if you don't want people to stereotype you, then don't do the things you are stereotyped for. Driving isn't that hard, why are so many people terrible at it?(Juice)

...And finally, happy birthday to Juice. (Juice) - Yep, I just wished myself happy birthday in the third person.

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