Who doesn’t love a good thunderstorm? It is like a blizzard, except not unpleasant in every single way. There is no better time to sleep than with the pitter patter of rain on the roof as you lay in bed. I defy anyone to say something bad about a thunderstorm, aside from severe ones that turn into tornados. Those aren’t as much fun. Still beats the hell out of a blizzard though.
9. Grilling/Bonfires
I combined these into one thing because they are relatively similar, mostly because they both involve fire. Who doesn’t love fire? The fact is there are few better foods on the planet than a burger grilled over charcoal (never gas). I love a good burger with some potato (pronounced potata) salad. Delicious. Follow that up with a bonfire and some beers, and you have yourself a pretty good little summer evening. I long for summer…
8. Flip Flops
I hate shoes. HATE THEM. I have officially switched into flip flop mode from here on out, which basically means my feet won’t be shoed (aside from for situation where shoes are required) until Octoberish. Free and easy, that’s the way I like it. And, by the way, the fact that shoes even exist, pisses me off. If the person(s) who invented shoes hadn’t been pansies, and rocked the flip flops year round, we would have evolved to the point where shoes wouldn’t be necessary, even during the colder months. Thanks a lot shoe inventing jackass(es).
7. No School
If I were 12 years old (in physical age, to go with my 12 year old maturity level), this would probably be a lot higher on the list, but since I’m 21 (soon to be 22!) the lack of school isn’t as important. Plus I am graduating in a month so I won’t have any school regardless. Either way, everyone loves time off from school.
6. No Snow
I can’t think of anything good to say about snow. It’s cold. It’s wet. It’s hard to drive in. It makes everything really bright when it’s sunny out. It just all around sucks. Plus, I don’t take part in any snow activities; I find them cold and unpleasant. What is fun about snow? I just don’t get it. Why do I live in Minnesota?
5. Outdoor Activities
This is a broad category obviously, but really doing anything outside in the summer is enjoyable, other than maybe digging a ditch or something, but even that beats the hell out of shoveling a driveway. I guess this category is more of a shout out to games like capture the flag, kick the can, tag, and all the other games kids playing during summertime. Speaking of which, I miss those games. Anyone want to get together for a game of capture the flag sometime? You know it would be awesome.
4. Tank Tops and Mini Skirts
Call me a dirtball if you must, but who can argue with gorgeous tanned legs, and omnipresent cleavage. That’s right, I just said omnipresent cleavage. By the way, one of the best days of the year is when girls bust out their skirts and tank tops for the first time in the spring. It is like Christmas, but with more erections. Every high school and college male knows what I’m talking about.
3. Golf
Golf is fantastic because it is slow and lazy, but you can still convince yourself it is physical activity. It combines competition with a leisurely stroll through a park. You get the simple joys of the woods, the beach, and usually a pond or two, all while cursing at a little white ball. Who doesn’t love that? (Not too mention the tank topped and mini skirted drink cart girls.)
2. Warm Weather
This is pretty obvious, but warm weather is about a million times better than cold: Long days, sunshine, t shirts, shorts, bare feet, and so on and so forth. And, by the way, call me crazy but I love a good old fashioned 90 degrees and humid day or two. I don’t need them all the time, but there is something oddly satisfying about running around in the heat and working up a good sweat…
1. Baseball
The boys of summer. That really says it all doesn’t it? Baseball is absolutely the greatest thing in the world. It is the ultimate symbol for the season of eternal life. Baseball just oozes summertime: sun drenched summer afternoons, and beautiful, endless starry summer nights. The word “summer” equates to baseball, and the word “baseball” equates to summer. And, as far as symbolic sports for a season go, baseball is infinitely better than winter’s hockey. That is like comparing the Special Olympics to the regular Olympics.
I’m sure I forgot some things (like the Fourth of July), so please feel free to throw out some summertime love in the comments section. Or, if you disagree, and think winter is better than summer, feel free to state your case. You are very wrong, and I will openly ridicule you, but feel free to go for it.
Oh and as a final note, don't google "boys of summer." A whole lot of gay porn comes up.
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