As the grand finale for the week, I am presenting my top ten list of baseball related themes in popular culture. And, yes, I realize baseball itself is part of popular culture. This list, however, is not on the field things such as Yankee Stadium, specific players, etc. that have infiltrated popular culture themselves, but rather movies, literature, music, and basically just anything interesting that has spawned off the field, from the game on the field.
And away we go.
10. "Centerfield" by John Fogerty/"The Greatest" by Kenny Rogers
There isn't a whole lot of good music based on baseball. (Aside, of course, from one iconic song that may or may not appear on this list. You'll just have to keep reading to find out. Or you can scroll down a little ways. It is up to you.) I was trying to choose between "Centerfield" and "The Greatest," then figured, screw it, I'll just make them tied for tenth place. "Centerfield," gets bonus points for appearing in Little Big League, though.
Honestly, I'm a little surprised this sketch has become so iconic. It is funny the first time you watch it, but it actually gets pretty annoying after awhile. I still enjoy it, and I think everyone should at least listen to the sketch once (it is pretty dated if you watch the video) but I don't really need to see it over and over again. "Who's on First?" is an enjoyable classic, but that is about it. Of course, if Abbott and Costello were considered the premiere comedy act of the 1940s, that in and of itself is an issue.
8. Fantasy Baseball
While not the most popular fantasy sport anymore, baseball is the sport that spawned the fantasy craze. Baseball is a numbers game. Fantasy sports are based on numbers. And, by the way, anyone who says that sports fans aren't nerds, is either a sports fan that is in denial, or a misinformed fool. Sports fans are the biggest nerds of all. I blame the athletes themselves for this misconception. Many athletes are, in fact, not sports fans (75% of all athletes, and 90% of the NBA), and ergo are not nerds. Then, you have a much smaller portion of athletes who are actually sports fans, ultimately making them nerds as well. The disparity between the number of atheletes who are, and are not, real sports fans is the reason there is such a disconnect between athletes and the fans. The fans actually care more about sports than the athletes themselves. Ironic isn't it?
7. Classic Video Games
I enjoy playing new age video games as much as the next guy, but no graphics or realistic features can replace the nostalgia and joy of games such as Major League Manager, Hardball 5, and Tony La Russa Baseball (those are the classics I played, but there are plenty of others out there as well). The greatest of all, however, may have been the pinball machines that popped out a baseball card as a prize if you won. Remember those? I once won a 1993 Topps Manny Alexander card from one of those games. Manny Alexander, if you are wondering, was one of the Baltimore Orioles top prospects at the time, and was ultimately "supposed to" replace Cal Ripken Jr. at shortstop. That didn't work out so well.
6. "Casey at the Bat" by Ernest Thayer
Anyone else remember this cartoon? They used to play it on the Disney Channel when I was a young lad watching such shows as Under the Umbrella Tree. Those were the days, my friends, those were the days.
5. The Simpsons "Talkin Softball" episode
C - Mike Scioscia's tragic illness made us smile
2B - Steve Sax and his run-in with the law
3B - Wade Boggs lay unconscious on the bar room tile
SS - Ozzie Smith
OF - Daryl Strawberry
OF - Ken Griffey's grotesquely swollen jaw
OF - Jose Canseco
That is a list of all the players who cameoed in this episode, along with the lyrics in the song about why they were forced to leave the team. Those player's whose ailments were not listed in the "Talkin Softball' song (the parody of "Talkin Baseball") had the following issues:
Don Mattingly - cut from team by Mr. Burns for not shaving his sideburns, even though he actually did.
Ozzie Smith - Fell into a black hole and disappeared
Daryl Strawberry - Only player not actually cut, but ends up being pinch hit for by Homer because Mr. Burns is "playing the percentages"
Jose Canseco - Doesn't make it to the game because he is helping a lady save things from her burning house.
Then of course there is Homer who wins the championship by getting beaned with the bases loaded.
I would just like to note, by the way, I did all that the top of my head. Let's just move on...
4. Field of Dreams
I wrote about Field of Dreams in my list of best movies back in February, so you can read what I had to say there. I would, however, like to note I am basically using Field of Dreams to represent all the great baseball movies (The Natural, Bull Durham, Major League, etc.) because I feel it is the most transcendent of all baseball related films. The full meaning really goes beyond baseball. I'm not trying to short change other baseball movies, I just felt like Field of Dreams was the best representation of the lot. But with that said...
3. The Sandlot
Who doesn't love The Sandlot? If you were born in the late eighties, this is one of the top five most memorable movies of your childhood. Guaranteed. If not, you are a bad person. The Sandlot is funny, charming, nostalgic, heartwarming and, even if you don't like baseball, it takes you back to your childhood. Quite simply, it is without a doubt the greatest children's movie of all time. Nothing even comes close. Suck it Might Ducks. (Just kidding, I love Mighty Ducks, but it pales in comparison to The Sandlot).
2. "Take me Out to the Ballgame"
I'm pretty sure more people know the lyrics to "Take me out to the Ballgame" than the "Star Spangled Banner." Maybe I'm making that up, but I swear I heard that somewhere. If anyone knows the answer please enlighten me. Regardless, if you don't know "Take m
e Out to the Ballgame," there is something wrong with you. In fact, if I ever meet an English speaking person who has spent a substantial amount of time in the United States and doesn't know the words to "Take me Out to the Ballgame," I will challenge them to a fight. So if you are reading this, and are ignorant to said lyrics, bring it on. I guarantee your defeat, because anyone of that ilk could never be victorious at anything.

1. Baseball Cards
Everyone collects things. If you do not collect something, it means you do not have the capacity to love; unless, of course, you collect something weird like feces. Or stamps. In that case you are just weird. Baseball cards, however, are the ultimate collectors item. They are fun for all ages. Nothing beats a good baseball card. And I would just like to say to anyone who sells their baseball card collection as an adult: shame on you. You are selling away a piece of your childhood, and I promise you will regret it. Unless you would like to sell them to me for a reasonable price. In that case, more power to you.
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