Saturday, January 31, 2009

Random Thoughts...

...Is anybody actually excited for the Super Bowl? Or is everybody just excited that this debacle of an NFL season is finally going to be over?

...How annoying is the whole "G" ad campaign? Gatorade can't afford the seven other letters anymore?

...I find it interesting that MSNBC, the liberal ying to the Fox News conservative yang, likes to run specials on serial killers. I don't know for sure what this says about liberals, but I guess if we find out that Barack Obama is not only a terrorist but a serial killer as well, we shouldn't be surprised.

...I defy you to find anything more repetitive and annoyingly catchy than "If you like it then you shoulda put a ring on it."

...Also, anytime an athlete departs for a new team because their old team couldn't "win the big one" they should play that song at their press conference.

...Family Guy is the most overrated show on television. Some of the show's random pop culture references were funny at first, but the novelty has worn off. Besides, it's just a crappy rip off of the Simpsons.

...Has there ever been anything less shocking than finding out that Santonio Holmes used to sell drugs? I guess I just assumed he still does.

...If some crazy lady who already has six kids shows up at your fertility clinic, you should probably turn her away:

...Any team that can afford Manny Ramirez and needs a left fielder, but is justifying not signing him based on his "issues," is moronic.

...Serena Williams is not attractive. She is scary and mannish...So is Jennie Finch.

...Everything about PETA sucks. I both like animals, and like to eat animals. You really can do both.
