Saturday, May 9, 2009

Random Thoughts...

...The last assignment in one of my classes was a revised version of a paper we wrote a few weeks ago. Basically, the assignment called for "significant revision," with the parameters going from 8-10 pages on the first paper, to 10-15 pages on the second paper. It was my last assignment of regulation (actual class) before overtime (finals). I couldn't possibly imagine a situation where I am less motivated to do something than rewrite a paper I already got a B on. Why would I possibly care? And more importantly, why not just make us write one paper? I've written a shit ton of papers in my academic career, you aren't teaching me anything by making me write the same thing twice. (Juice)

...I would also like to note that the aforementioned paper was due at 5 pm on a Friday afternoon. Obviously, this means, since I am done with class at 1 pm on Fridays, I will wait until Friday afternoon to actually finish the paper. More importantly, though, who the fuck makes something due at 5 pm on a Friday? Are you really going to be in your office? (Nope, she wasn't.) (Juice)

...People who feel the need to listen to their IPod at all times annoy me. Do you really need it between classes? Is the walk from your friend’s apartment to your apartment really so far that you need music? Take the fucking headphones off, you look like a douche. (Juice)

...I'm sick of people saying "came" as the past tense of "cum." The correct form is actually “cummed." "Come" and "cum" are two completely different words. None of the definitions of the word "come" mean to ejaculate. The word "cum" is a slang word that people have conditioned to mean "to ejaculate." "Cum" doesn't become "came" in the past tense just because "come" becomes "came" in the past tense. The English language isn't that fucking hard people. (Juice)

...Little word of advice: if you have a paper due at noon on Wednesday, don't put it off until literally the last minute. You'll end up drinking coffee at 10 pm, staying awake til 6 am, and having your entire sleep cycle thrown off for the rest of the week. You'll also end up waking up on Thursday at 9:10 am for your class that started at 9:00, scampering across campus to salvage what is left of the final exam review, and end up sitting there for 10 minutes before the professor lets everyone out early from what turned out to be a completely worthless class period. (Juice)

...This site is fantastic. A few of the highlights:

(209): dude, you're never picky with who you hook up with, have a little dignity
(1-209): nah man, chicks are like pokemon, gotta catch \'em all

(843): the red head has a bf
(1-843): just because there's a goalie doesn't mean u can't score

(302): Who goes to Church hungover
(717): Those who weren't lucky enough to go still drunk

...Mythbusters is one of the five worst shows on TV. I don't get how anybody watches it. The guys are annoying, the myths are lame, and the experiments are unbearably boring to watch. (Juice)

...Reason #2190840871 that Jose Canseco is a douche. (Juice)

...This is one of the five most random things I have ever seen. (Click the link before moving on to the next random thought; I don't want to ruin the picture for you.) (Juice)

...I love the looks on the faces of the three in the above picture. Matt Garza looks like he is concocting an elaborate scheme to wrangle himself a threesome. Britsol Palin looks like she is about to fall for an elaborate scheme to be wrangled into a threesome. And Hayden Panttierre looks like a whore who is more than willing to take place in a threesome, but thinks she is far too important to take part in that threesome. (Juice)

...Also, Bristol Palin is better looking that Hayden Panttierre. Who knew? (Juice)

...I can't take another summer of Favre. Everybody knows you are going to eventually sign with the Vikings, and are just looking for an excuse to skip as many preseason workouts, so just freakin sign so we don't have to go through another summer of your prima donna routine. I mean if we were looking at the summer of George that would be one thing, but I just can't handle another summer of Favre. (Juice)

...How do you defend yourself against the man with two dildos? (I promise that isn't porn, just trust me and click it.) (Juice)

…The media annoys me for a lot of reasons, but mostly because they blow stupid shit out of proportion. In the last couple of days I watched shows that have centered around the controversy of Miss California, Carrie Prejean, posing nude for a photo shoot (she isn’t actually nude) and Jon from Jon and Kate Plus Eight banging someone other than Kate. Who the fuck cares? And, for that matter, I watched like two minutes of Jon and Kate Plus Eight once and I wanted to punch Kate in the face, so I can’t blame the guy for cheating on her. More importantly, though, how is that in any way a news story? That just pisses me off. As for Miss California, so she posed for some pictures to try and break in the modeling industry. THAT’S WHAT MODELS DO. IT ISN”T FUCKING NEWS. Ugh. (Juice)

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